Pet & Animal Charter Flights
We own pets, too, so we know how precious your fur babies are, and we want to assure you they have our attention. With a private pet air charter, there is no waiting around as on commercial flights. Our planes are air-conditioned for comfort. Pets are not placed in the cargo hold.
If travelling with you, your pets are welcome on our flights but will need to be restrained with a suitable harness and seat belt attachment or placed in a pet travel crate. For their safety, your pet must be securely on a lead when anywhere at an aerodrome. Aggressive pets or aggressive animal breeds will be required to wear a muzzle when walking in public. If travelling alone, pets must be crated during the pet air charter.
Do any of the below apply to your pet?
I’m unsure how my pet will react to plane travel.
My pet is aggressive, particularly to strangers or if stressed.
I know my pet does not handle car travel well.
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above, we will require that your pet be crated for the duration of the flight. A web search will give you recommendations for the appropriate crate size for your animal. Crates must be completely lined with a pet pee pad. The crate, seat belt attachment, harness, muzzle and pee pad are to be supplied by the owner of the pet. We recommend giving us a call prior to the flight to go through your pet options.
For noise reduction, we recommend Mutt Muffs for your dog.
Other Animals
For other animal types, contact us below for more information.
Dec 2022 - Flying fox transfer to Cessnock for Bat Conservation & Rescue QLD
June 2023 - Bilby transfer.
Nov 2023 - 28 baby flying foxes from Archerfield to Port Macquarie for Bat Conservation & Rescue QLD